Walking as one in Christ

One-off Sermons - Part 34

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Brian King

July 28, 2024


Disclaimer: this is an automatically generated machine transcription - there may be small errors or mistranscriptions. Please refer to the original audio if you are in any doubt.

[0:00] Let me just say a short prayer before we begin. Heavenly Father, we thank you that you are a God who is not silent. And we just pray, Lord, that as you speak to us, that we would have hearts to hear and be ready to live your way.

[0:18] In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Now someone wants to ask a pastor if he had an active congregation. 曾经有人问一位牧师,你的会众是否活跃?

[0:29] Yes, they are very active, he answered. 牧师回答着说,是的,他们非常活跃。 Half of them are actively working with me, and the other half are actively working against me.

[0:44] 有一半的活跃地与我合作, 另一半的活跃地与我作对。 Now that's obviously a joke, but it's also not, isn't it? 那显然是个笑话,可是也不像是个笑话,不是吗?

[0:58] Because unfortunately, this is true in far too many cases around the world. 因为不幸的是这种情况在世界各地太常见了。 A story once told about a church in Scotland about 80 years ago.

[1:12] 有一个故事讲的是大约八十年前苏格兰的一个教会。 They were trying to decide whether a clock should be placed in the sanctuary. 惠仲试图决定那个时钟应该摆在礼拜堂的哪一个位置。 One group wanted it to be placed on the back wall, while another group insisted it should be placed at the front for everyone to see.

[1:33] 有一组的人说要摆在后墙上, 另一组的人坚持他应该摆在前面一遍, 所有人都能看见。 So they argued about it, they couldn't agree, and one group left to form a new church.

[1:47] 于是他们争论,他们无法达到共鸣, 结果呢,一组的人离开去成立一个新的教会。 They split over a clock. 他们因为一个时钟分裂了。 Tragic, isn't it?

[2:01] 多么的悲剧。 And division is tragic because of at least three reasons. 分裂,市场悲剧,因为起码的这三件原因。 Firstly, it's tragic because it means that the church is spending all of its time trying to sort out internal matters rather than focus on its mission to the world.

[2:21] 首先呢,这是场悲剧,因为这意味着教会把所有的时间花在解决内部的事物, 而不是专注于对世界的宣教使命。 A lot of energy has to be used to fight.

[2:34] The congregation can become split into different factions. And there just isn't any motivation to reach out to unbelievers. 大量的精力必须用来争斗, 会众因此可能分裂成不同的派系, 也就没有了任何动力向非信徒传福音。 Secondly, it undermines the credibility of the gospel.

[2:53] 第二点,分裂削弱福音的可信度。 The gospel claims that peace and reconciliation with God is possible, 但为什么会有人相信这些人, 为什么会有人相信这些人, 当全都会看到这些人是吵极的?

[3:06] 福音宣称人与神的和平和和好是可以实现的, 但是如果大家看到的都是内斗内好, 有谁还会相信呢?

[3:17] 第三点,分裂时教会成为一个不快乐的地方。 第三点,分裂时教会成为一个不快乐的地方。 毕竟倘若你必须去一个有与你发生冲突的人的地方相聚的话, 这一点都不好玩。 So how can we avoid falling into unnecessary strife?

[3:45] 那么我们要如何避免陷入不必要的纷争呢? More positively speaking, How can we instead be a church that is in line with God's will? 更正面的来说, 我们应该如何成为一个符合神的旨意的教会呢?

[4:00] Well, today Ephesians 4 verse 1 to 6 will help us. 那今天以福所书第四章第一至第六节将帮助我们。 Verses 2 to 6 in particular will give us three practical steps we should take.

[4:12] 尤其是第二至第六节将给我们三个实际的步骤。 But before we get into the specifics, I need to show you the big picture first. 但是在我们深入具体详情前, 我需要向你们展示以福所书的大蓝图。 Otherwise we might misunderstand these verses.

[4:32] 不然的话我们可能会误解这些经文。 So look first of all with me at verse 1. 首先请跟我看第一节。 As a prisoner for the Lord, then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.

[4:47] 因此我这位主被囚禁了, 劝你们行事为人要配得上你们所蒙的呼召。 Now at first glance, it sounds like Paul is saying, make sure you are a good Christian boy or girl.

[5:02] 乍听之下保罗好像在说, 男男啊,确保你们都是好基督徒男孩和女孩哦。 Proof you are deserving of the name Christian. 证明你们配得上基督徒这个称号。 Show that you are worthy.

[5:16] 要显示你们是值得的哦。 And if we think that's what Paul is saying, we will read the instructions of verses 2 to 6 as if that is how we are to get into God's good books.

[5:29] 如果我们认为保罗所说的正是我刚才说的, 那我们就会把第二至第六节的指示读成 我如何登上神的好孩子排行榜。 But is that what he's really saying?

[5:43] 但是保罗真的有这样说吗? No, it cannot be once we read the verse in the context of the whole book. 不,只要我们把这节经文放在整本以福所述的上下文中来读, 是不可能的。 Look back with me to Ephesians chapter 1 verse 18, where Paul first mentions calling in this letter.

[6:04] 和我一起回看以福所述第一章第十八节, 也就是保罗第一次在书信中提到呼召这一词。 So it's on the screen, let me read it.

[6:14] I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you. 我求你们心灵的眼睛明亮, 可以知道他的呼召有怎样的盼望。 And notice, what is Paul praying for?

[6:35] 要注意保罗祷告的是什么。 He's praying that we will understand the confident hope God has given to us. 他在祷告我们能明白神赐给我们的坚定盼望。 And that is the calling Paul is referring to, what God has already done for us.

[6:52] 那是保罗所指的呼召神已经为我们做了的神嘛。 That's what the first three chapters of Ephesians are actually all about.

[7:03] 那才是以福所书前三章的内容。 It's about what God has done for us. 它是关于神为我们做了神嘛。 It's about who we now are in Christ. 它是关于我们在基督里的身份。 You see, if you read those chapters, what do you discover?

[7:19] 那么如果你读那几章,你会发现什么呢? We discover we have every spiritual blessing in Christ. 你会发现我们在基督里拥有一切属灵的祝福。 We discover that we are loved with the very same love God the Father has for Jesus.

[7:37] 你会发现我们所受的爱与父神对耶稣的爱是一样的。 We discover we were completely dead in our sin, completely deserving of God's anger, but now God has made us alive with Christ and made us his beloved children.

[7:55] 你也发现我们完全死在罪中,完全因得神的愤怒, 但是现在上帝使我们与基督一同活了过来, 使我们成为他所爱的儿女。 We discover we were completely unholy, but now we have been made holy, so much so that God says we are nothing less than the temple of God.

[8:18] 我们发现自己完全不圣洁, 但是现在我们已经被做成圣洁的, 以至于神说我们不亚于神的圣殿。 You can pick off the slide.

[8:33] Now here's the big point. It is all a gift from God. 而这里的关键点是, 这一切是神的恩赐。 That's why Ephesians 4 verse 1 says, This is a calling we have received.

[8:46] 这就是为什么以福所书第四章第一节说, 这是我们所蒙的呼召。 It's not a calling we have earned. 这不是我们应得的呼召。 These blessings came to us not by our own merit, but by God's mercy.

[9:05] 这些祝福临到我们不是通过我们自己的功劳, 而是因为神的怜悯。 This calling is about who God has made us to be, rather than what we are to do for God.

[9:17] 这呼召是关于神造我们成为怎样的人, 而不是我们要为神做什么。 And so, as one teacher once said, It's not so much that we are called to live a life that shows we deserve this, but that we live a life that these truths deserve.

[9:40] 因此正如一位讲道者所言, 以其说我们被呼召活出一种显示我们应得的生活, 不如说我们活出一种这些真理配得的生活。 I'm going to say it again, It's not so much that we are called to live a life that shows we deserve this, but that we live a life that these truths deserve.

[10:07] 不是我们被呼召活出一种显示我们应得的生活, 而是我们活出一种这些真理配得的生活。 Recently there was a TikTok video that went viral.

[10:22] 最近有个抖音视频分传。 It showed how when our state anthem was played at one of our shopping malls, Everyone from the ground floor to the top floor stopped what they were doing, Stood up and stood still.

[10:35] 视频显示一个购物商场播放我们的周歌时, 从底楼到顶楼的所有人都停止了他们正在做的事情, 都站起来,都站着不动。 And that's because Sarawakians understood that's what our state anthem deserves.

[10:52] 这是因为莎拉悦人明白我们的周歌应得的是什么。 It deserves our respect and our esteem. 它应得我们的尊重和敬仰。 So it is with the gospel and our lives.

[11:06] 福音和我们的生活也是如此。 We live a life that is in line with the gospel, because that is nothing less than what the gospel deserves. 我们活出一个与福音一致的生活, 因为这是福音应得的。 That's how every church used to live.

[11:20] 那也是每个教会都应该如何的生活。 That's why the first core conviction of our church is to be centered on the gospel. 那也是为什么我们的教会首要核心信念是以福音为中心。 A church without the gospel at the center is like a car without an engine.

[11:37] 一个没有以福音为中心的教会就像一辆没有引擎的汽车。 It might look pretty on the outside, but it won't go anywhere. 外面看起来很漂亮,但是它哪儿的去不了。 And it is only when we get this big picture in place, then we can move to the specific steps of verses 2 to 6.

[11:56] 只有当我们掌握了以福所述的大蓝图之后, 我们才能进入第二至第六节的具体步骤。 Now when it comes to church life, How then do we live a life worthy of the calling we have received?

[12:11] 当说到教会生活, 我们该如何活出与我们所蒙的呼召, 乡称的生活呢? That's what Paul now goes on to talk about. 那就是保罗接下来要说的。 And he says here's three things we must do.

[12:24] 他说有三件事我们必须做。 Firstly, maintain our spirit-given unity. 首先,持守圣灵所赐予我们的合一。 Look at verse 3.

[12:36] 请看第三节。 May every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. 以和睦联系,竭力持守圣灵所赐的合一。 Paul is telling us, Do you know what kind of unity exists between you and your fellow Christians?

[12:55] 保罗在告诉我们, 你知道你和其他基督徒之间存在什么样的合一吗? It is nothing less than a unity in the spirit. 那就是圣灵里的合一。 It is not natural.

[13:10] 它不是自然的。 Rather, it is supernatural. 相反的,它是超自然的。 You see, we all know that sin separates us from God. 你看,我们都知道罪使我们与神隔绝。 But did you know that sin also separates us from one another?

[13:25] 但是你知道吗? 罪也使我们与彼此隔绝吗? After all, if we are sinners, that means we are capable of selfish behavior. 毕竟我们都是罪人。 如果是这样子的话,意味着我们能够做出自私的行为。 We are capable of being prejudiced, such that the English service can look down on the Mandarin service, or the Mandarin service can look down on the English service.

[13:47] 我们能够带着有色眼光。 比如英文堂可能瞧不起中文堂,或者中文堂可能瞧不起英文堂。 And like it or not, on our own, we cannot stop hurting one another.

[13:58] 不管你接不接受,你都必须明白,单靠我们自己,我们无法停止彼此伤害。 But what happened when we trusted Christ and received the Spirit?

[14:10] 但是当我们信靠基督并接受圣灵时,又发生了什么呢? We have peace with God, yes. 我们与神和好了,的确的。 Ephesians 2 tells you that.

[14:20] 以福所书第二章告诉我们这一点。 But did you know we also have peace with our fellow Christians? 可是你知道吗? 我们与其他基督徒也和好了。 Ephesians 2 also tells us that.

[14:32] 以福所书第二章也告诉我们这一点。 Because those sitting next to you, in front of you, or behind you, are united to you if they are Christians.

[14:45] 因为那些坐在你旁边前面后面的人,如果他们是基督徒,就会与你合一。 Even if they speak a different language to you. 就算是他们说的语言与你不同。 神说当我们信靠基督,当我们相信福音,我们就被联系在一起,即使我们来自不同的背景。 因为无论我们说的是英语,华语,国语,我们都有同样的属灵祝福。 And we all are taught to be part of God's people, God's household, God's family.

[15:32] 我们都蒙昭成为神的子民的一份子,神的家,神的家庭。 That is the unity of the Spirit. 这就是圣灵的合一。 It describes the bond that already exists between us, not a bond that is hypothetical.

[15:47] 它描述的是我们之间已经存在的联系,而不是假设的联系。 正如一位作家所说的,请看荧幕。 请看荧幕。 我们的合一不依赖于我们的生活质量。 我们之所以是一体,是因为我们属于基督,并且与基督同在。 基督已经使我们与他自己和好,而且不仅是基督自己,更是全世界。 And that is why verse 3 again, God says we are to maintain this spirit unity.

[16:51] 这就是为什么在第三节中,神说我们要持守这圣灵的合一。 要注意我们是无法达到的。 这不是我们可以自己创造的联系。 这是神通过圣灵建立的联系。 So our job is not to produce this unity like how our government often tries to make us united.

[17:21] 因此我们的工作不是去制造这一种合一,有如我们的政府经常尝试的去做一些这样子的东西。 Our job is simply to keep this unity.

[17:33] 我们的工作只是持守这种合一。 In fact, did you notice how much stress Hope puts on this? 实际上你是否注意到保罗对此有多么的强调吗?

[17:45] At the beginning of verse 3, he says, make every effort. 在第三节的开头,他说,节力。 In other words, it's not something we do occasionally whenever we feel like it.

[17:57] 换句话说,这不是我们偶尔想做,才做的事。 This is high on Jesus' agenda. 这是耶稣很着重的事。 He died for it. 他为此而死。 So every Christian is responsible to maintain this spirit given unity.

[18:11] 因此每一位基督徒有责任持守着圣灵赋予的合一。 So tell me how are you doing on this front? 告诉我吧,你在这方面做的如何? Are you eager to speak words to build up others?

[18:24] 你渴望说出建设他人的话语吗? Are you eager to be slow to take offense? 你渴望不轻易被冒犯吗? Are you eager to give others the benefit of the doubt?

[18:37] 对他人有疑虑的时候,你渴望往好的一方面想吗? Are you eager to keep this unity? 你渴望保持这种合一吗?

[18:48] The fact that Paul has to tell us to maintain this unity means he sees it as a work in progress. 既然保罗必须告诉我们来持守这份合一, 这意味着这项工作尚在进行中。 He knows that this unity can still be disrupted as long as we live in this fallen world.

[19:06] 他知道只要我们还活在这堕落的世上, 这份合一仍然会被破坏。 But if we do keep this unity, we are walking worthy of our calling.

[19:18] 但是如果我们持守这份合一, 我们就走在配得我们的呼召的道路上。 We are giving what the gospel deserves. 我们付出了福音所应得的。 But that is not all Paul has to say.

[19:32] 但是那不是保罗所要说的全部。 但是那不是保罗所要说的全部。 Secondly, hold on to the core of our unity. 第二点,要捉住我们合一的核心。 When we look at the world, there are many examples of superficial unity, aren't there?

[19:48] 放眼这世界,肤浅的合一比比皆是,不是吗? Just think of the kind of unity where two very different political parties come together simply to keep power.

[20:01] 你们自己想一想吧,两个截然不同的政党, 单单为了保住政权而走在一起的那种团结吧。 Or think of the kind of unity you might see at a company family day or team building day.

[20:14] 或者你想一想在公司的家庭日或团队健身日当天, 你所看到的那种协心合力。 The employees might participate in all kinds of activities for a short while, But then they go their separate ways later, And on Monday, the workplace rivalries continue.

[20:34] 那员工们可能在一段短短的时间内参加各种活动, 但是之后他们将分道扬镳, 并在来临的星期一继续职场上的敌对较劲。 But Paul says that's not the kind of unity he has.

[20:50] 保罗说那不是我们拥有的合一。 Rather our unity in practice is driven by a unity in belief. 相反的我们实践上的合一是由我们信仰上的合一驱动的。 In fact it is a unity based on God's reality.

[21:08] 事实上这是一份基于神的现实的合一。 Let me read verses 4 to 6 to you. There is one body and one spirit, Just as you were called to one hope when you were called, One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, Who is over all and through all and in all.

[21:30] 身体只有一个,圣灵只有一位, 圣灵只有一位, 就像你们蒙昭只是借着一个盼望, 主只有一位,信仰只有一个, 犀利只有一种, 神只有一位,就是万有的父, 祂超越万有,贯彻万有, 并且在万有之中。 Now here's the important thing to understand about verses 4 to 6.

[21:52] 要了解第四到第六节很重要的一点是, These are statements of fact, not commands. 这些都是事实的陈述,不是命令。 This is a description of reality.

[22:08] 这是现实的描述。 You see what Paul is trying to show us here is that unity can only flow from these truths. 你看保罗仕途在这里展示给我们的是, 合一只能从这些真理中流出。 These eternal truths, one body, one spirit, one hope, one Lord and so on, is what forms the foundation of our unity.

[22:32] 这些永恒的真理, 一个身体,一位圣灵,一个盼望,一位主等等, 都是构成我们合一的基础。 And so this is what we need to hold onto if we are to achieve true unity.

[22:47] 所以这是我们需要坚持的,如果我们想要达至真实的合一。 So for example, Paul says, we are one body. 举个例,保罗说,我们是一个身体。 That's the truth.

[23:01] 这是真理。 We're not two or three bodies. 我们不是两个或三个身体。 We are one. 我们是一体。 We are all hands and knees and feet that are all interconnected to one another. 我们都是与彼此相连的手脚和膝盖。 We move as one.

[23:17] 我们行动如一。 And the reason we do that is because every Christian, as soon as they believe, have the one Holy Spirit who gives us all equal access to God the Father.

[23:32] 那是因为每一名基督徒只要他们相信就有一位圣灵, 他让我们所有人都能平等地来到父神面前。 And the one hope that I have through the gospel, the hope of eternal life and of a future inheritance, is a hope that I share with you if you are my brother and sister in Christ.

[23:55] 而我通过福音有的那一个盼望,那永生和未来产业的盼望, 是一个我和你共享的盼望,只要你是我在基督里的弟兄姐妹。 And if you are my brother and sister in Christ, that means we worship the same Lord.

[24:14] 而如果你是我在基督里的弟兄姐妹,那意味着我们敬拜同一位主。 We both want to follow the one true God. 我们都想跟随那一位真神。 That's what we share in common.

[24:28] 那是我们的共同点。 We have only one God over us, we are baptized into the same reality. 我们只有一位神在我们之上,我们受洗进入同一个现实。 So there is a shared reality between the two of us.

[24:44] 我们之间有一个共同的现实。 It is a reality that finds its basis in what each member of the Trinity has done. 这现实的基础建立在三一真神里的每一位所成的事。 So our oneness is not based on the fact that we support the same football team, or we both like hiking, or that we are both fujiao, or yban, or something like that.

[25:06] 我们的合一不是基于我们支持同一个足球队,或者我们都喜欢爬山,或者我们都是福州人,或者一般人之类的。 No, the core of our unity is in God and his gospel itself.

[25:19] 不,我们合一的核心是在于神和他的福音本身。 So hold on to the core of our unity. 所以持守我们合一的核心。 Hold on to our common beliefs.

[25:32] 持守我们共同的信仰。 And that is important because verses 4 to 6 show that we don't just do unity for the sake of it. 这很重要,因为第四到第六节表明了我们不仅仅为了合一而合一。 We don't just say, oh, let's be united, but we never base our unity on the common truth.

[25:53] 我们不能只说,哈,来啦,来把我们合一合一吧。 却从来不把我们的合一建立在共同的真理上。 So we cannot, for example, unite with Muslims or Hindus in a prayer service.

[26:06] 所以我们不能,比如说在祈祷仪式上,与穆斯林或新度教徒合一。 After all, we have no common ground as to who we are praying to, or the same understanding as to how God receives our prayers.

[26:21] 毕竟我们在向谁祈祷这课题上没有共同点。 在神如何接受我们的祷告这课题上也没有相同的理解。 We cannot even unite with other groups that claim that they are Christian, but hold beliefs that do not line up with the gospel.

[26:41] 我们甚至不能与其他声称自己是基督徒, 但是所持守的信仰与福音不符的团体合一。 We can be friends with them, but we can't say we are united with them.

[26:57] 我们可以和他们做朋友,但是我们不能与他们合一。 For our unity is based on the reality of the gospel. 因为我们的合一是建立在福音的现实上。 Then thirdly, display a life of unity.

[27:16] 第三,我们要展示合一的生活。 I will see that we are to maintain and hold on to this God-given unity, but the question that remains is, how do we do this practically?

[27:27] 我们已经看到了我们要维护和持守这神次的合一, 但是问题还存在,我们该如何实际上做到这一点呢? The answer is found in verse 2.

[27:39] 答案在第二节。 Be completely humble and gentle, be patient, bearing with one another in love. 凡事要谦卑,温柔,忍耐,用爱互相宽容。 So Paul says, here are three ways to do that.

[27:56] 所以保罗说有三种方法可以做到这一点。 One is by humility and gentleness. 首先是谦虚和温柔。 You see, the fastest way to break up the unity of a church is by pride and arrogance.

[28:08] 你看,最快打破一所教会的合一的方式是骄傲和傲慢。 If everyone is looking out for their own interests, if everyone thinks that they are number one, it is going to cause all sorts of problems.

[28:22] 如果每个人只顾自己的利益, 如果每个人都认为自己是第一, 这就会产生各种各样的问题。 But what if we all think of ourselves less, and we think about the needs of others more?

[28:38] 但是如果我们都少一点思考自己, 而多一点考虑别人的需要呢? What if we were ready to examine ourselves before we judge others?

[28:49] 倘若我们先准备好检讨自己, 再去批判他人呢? If everyone acted that way, what a wonderful community it would be. 如果每一个人都这样做, 那将会是一个多么美好的教会啊?

[29:02] And how wonderful it is if we were all gentle. 如果我们都温柔, 那该多美好。 Gentleness here is meekness, and meekness is not weakness.

[29:17] 温柔在这里的意思是谦和, 而谦和不代表软弱。 It is strength under control. 它是受控制的力量。 Imagine an Olympic wrestler playing with his young son.

[29:33] 想象一下一名奥运摔跤选手 和他幼小的儿子玩耍。 He is strong, but he will know to control his strength so as not to hurt his son, but rather to give his son joy.

[29:46] 它是强壮的, 但是他会知道如何控制自己的力量 以免伤到他的儿子。 That is the picture here. 这就是这里的画面。 Another way to display the life of unity, Paul says, is by being patient.

[30:03] 保罗也说, 另一个展示合一生活的方式是忍耐。 Again, let's imagine the opposite. 让我们再来想象一下相反的情况。 Imagine if no one is patient.

[30:13] 想象如果没有人有耐心。 Everyone is harsh with one another. 每个人都对彼此苛刻。 Everyone doesn't want to care about each other. 每个人都不想关心对方。 Lots of people are going to be wounded.

[30:24] 很多人会受到伤害。 So the idea here is of not getting irritated or angry easily. 相反的忍耐的概念是不轻易挠怒或生气。 It is a deliberate choice not to fight back.

[30:38] 这是一个刻意的选择,不反击。 And we do so because we remember how patient God was with us when we caused him so much pain. 我们之所以这样做是因为我们记得, 当我们给神带来巨大痛苦的时候, 祂是对我们有多么的忍耐。 And then finally, Paul says, bear with one another in love.

[31:00] 最后,保罗说, 要在爱里彼此忍耐。 Paul is realistic, isn't he? 保罗是现实的。 He understands church life requires this.

[31:11] 他明白教会生活需要这个。 He understands that we will sometimes frustrate one another and get on each other's nerves. 他明白我们有时候会让彼此感到恼火,也会互相踩对方的尾巴。 But if God demonstrated his love by sending Christ to die for us, when we were still ungodly, then God says by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can love in the same way.

[31:37] 但是既然神在我们还是恶人的时候, 通过差遣基督为我们的死来彰显他的爱, 那么神说, 藉着圣灵的力量, 我们也可以以同样的方式去爱。 神说如此的爱将确保一个教会保持合一, 而更重要的是, 他们将能够继续完成神赋予他们的使命。 你要知道的是第二节并不是详尽的。 如果我们有更多的时间, 我们还可以举出其他方式活出合一的生命。 举个例子, 我们可以说我们必须深入教导第四至第六节的真理, 因为对那些真理的坚持将帮助加深我们的合一。 我们也可以说说有必要定期的参加主日聚会并侍奉, 因为我们的现身参与有助于巩固教会的合一。 但是我们没有无尽的时间, 所以在结束的当儿让我们聆听神。 让我们节尽全力持守在圣灵里的合一, 因为我们想要活出配的我们所蒙的呼召。 让我们把福音摆在我们聚会的核心, 通过言语,通过行动。 如果我们这样做, 无论我们说什么语言, 我们都能成为一个因基督而合一, 为基督而合一的教会。 让我们同心祷告。 天父,我们在这里求你帮助我们在基督里不乏合一。 帮助我们活出我们所蒙的呼召。 确保我们接受的福音与从你而来的纯征福音是一样的。 在圣灵里使我们合一。 靠你的帮助使我们彼此忍耐,仁慈有爱。

[35:00] We ask all this in Jesus' name. 奉主耶稣的名求。 阿们。 给你帮助我一样。 我们去哒得罢了。irsiniz Hause。 你有的话喜 trading了什么大的内容。 我们建议这个有什么中在开的?

[35:33] 肯定是吴得罢了。